Northwood High School Pool, Kensington drive, Durban North, 4051
These time trials are for anyone that can swim and want to have their times.
Please enter even if you are not currently a member. We will advise closer to the time if we are allowed "open" time trials or if for Covid compliance only current members can attend.
Hopefully, everyone will be welcome.
1. There will be no entry charged for the any swimmer attending their first
time trial.
2. Registered NDSA Club swimmers will not pay entry fees for time trials.
3. There are three categories:
a) Seniors (high school & older)
b) Juniors (SP School Grade 4 – 7)
c) Tadpoles (JP School Grade 1 – 3)
4. 4 swimmers will swim at a time, NDSA Club coach will take all the times.
5. Times will be available to everyone that participated in the events.
To be confirmed.
There will be some changes to the events listed below. The program of events is an example of the last time trials.
1. 50m Freestyle (Seniors, Juniors)
2. 25m Freestyle (Tadpoles + optional fins)
3. 50m Backstroke (Seniors and Juniors)
4. 25m Backstroke (Tadpoles + optional fins)
5. 50m Breaststroke (Seniors and Juniors)
6. 25m Breaststroke (Tadpoles)
7. 50m Butterfly (seniors and Juniors)
8. 25m Butterfly (Juniors)
9. 25m Butterfly fins (tadpoles)
10. 200m Stroke of choice (seniors and Juniors)
Complete the registration form below to register, list every swimming event that you are hoping to compete in. Age, Stroke & Distance.
Once your registration is received, you will be entered and contacted regarding event times for each swimming event that you have entered.